
Episode 46 -
World UX Part 1

Run Time: 23:32
Release Date: December 2020
María Jesús de Arriba Díaz
Alberto Ferreira, Tarja Karjalainen, Pat Higgins, Ryan Moroz, and Sergio Valero Notari

The World UX roundtable event, hosted by María Jesús de Arriba Díaz of Vistatec, María is joined in conversation with Alberto Ferreira, Vodafone, Tarja Karjalainen, Oura, Pat Higgins, Verizon Connect, Ryan Moroz, LINE Plus Corp, and Sergio Valero Notari, Doctoralia. This online roundtable event aimed to share learnings on why it is key to bring design, content and localization together. To visualize what an ideal World UX would look like, and to hear real-life tips to get you started on this journey.

About VistaTalks

VistaTalks is a leading industry podcast from Vistatec. VistaTalks focuses on interesting discussions with interesting people from around the world. VistaTalks has a growing list of guests and topics. The podcast has a strong focus on international communication, content, language, non-profit, business, and culture.

An In-depth Interview Featuring Mel McVeigh - Ep 46

The World UX roundtable event, hosted by María Jesús de Arriba Díaz of Vistatec, María is joined in conversation with Alberto Ferreira, Vodafone, Tarja Karjalainen, Oura, Pat Higgins, Verizon Connect, Ryan Moroz, LINE Plus Corp, and Sergio Valero Notari, Doctoralia. This online roundtable event aimed to share learnings on why it is key to bring design, content and localization together. To visualize what an ideal World UX would look like, and to hear real-life tips to get you started on this journey.